IASI SnowSports

A Day in the Life - Ali Smith

The UK is a different day every day, with waking up being a routine of cup of tea for the wife and coffee for myself. Then depending on the weather a short dog walk with Bruce to get the day going in the fresh air or feel the rain on my face. Always a quick check of the emails to see what clients are looking to book or questions that need answering.

Normally no earlier than 8am, check the emails to save some form of normality whilst at home. Once refreshed and before heading to The Snow Centre Hemel. I get some emails replied to, I always like to respond within 24 to 48 hours maximum. I’m a stickler for responses. With various products offered, it can be short replies booking a private lesson, or full details and responding to questions regarding Instructor qualifications in the UK or the mountains of Europe courses. There are always text messages, social media responses, new posts, information and general day to day business that needs dealing with before the skis come on for another day.

Running your own business like any business around the world, if you are your own boss, you need to get things done. Building & changing the website, new adverts, videos, email shout outs, there is always something to do…

Now the day begins on snow, but not without another coffee at The Snow Centre to really kick start the day. 9:15/30am head into the centre and catch up with instructors doing similar work as myself or catch up with the centre staff, and meet the clients for a chat before the sessions start.

Sometimes I know the clients well and we are on more of a coaching format so the lesson plan is in place, which can stretch over months or even years some clients have skied with me. If I have new clients, it’s a chance to chat about their background and future plans for skiing. Within our role, we sometimes become a life coach to clients and listen, support, give input where needed or just give them a few minutes to clear their heads before sliding left and right. It’s all part of the role which we love, listening does more for the soul then offering ideas sometimes.

Skiing, now this is the good part and still each day, placing the skis on and heading up the lift at Hemel which I have done since 1988, I still love the first ride up of the day. It could be regular clients on a 2 hour coaching session looking at carving or development for mountain courses. It could be basic parallel or snow plough turns.

I still love the coaching / teaching side of passing on the knowledge, assessing the learners needs, finding new ideas and experimenting with different skills and drills to find that wow moment from an idea and they find that feeling that matches the thought. Understanding and awareness of their own performance regardless of the level is what we are looking for. Sometimes it happens quickly, sometimes the process needs time, which is where the practice phase comes in. Skiing is still a passion and making some carve turns, or snow plough turns I still get a buzz out of all of this and the Instructing process.

A regular day could be 10am to 12pm coaching then Lunch (with emails completed) and back out for more from 1pm-3pm. I run various coaching sessions now, for regular clients and also Instructor training sessions, one early morning and one early evening. The demand is assisted by other educators/ experienced Instructors, as well to support my business and also to give clients / instructors access to different ways of delivery and ideas to approach development with multiple outcomes.

I mainly work when in the UK Monday to Friday to still give me family time with my wife and kids, which is essential to the work life balance. I could easily work most evenings and weekends, but then I would have no down time.

With winter travel taking up weekends back and forth from resorts, managing the lesson schedule is vital, and also gives me the extra hours in the day for the admin. Around 6pm the laptop closes and relax with a dog walk, movie and glass of wine.

Coming soon – Ali describes his working day on the mountain, we are looking forward to this!

If you have a story to tell us about your working day then please email jonny@iasisnowsports.ie